Vitamins For Woman

7 Best Foods to Strengthen Nails and Boost Growth

margaret etudo

Medically Reviewed By Margaret Etudo. Written By The Vitamins For Woman Team.

If you struggle with weak and brittle nails, it may be because you are not eating the right foods to strengthen nails.

Foods to Strengthen Nails
Foods to Strengthen Nails

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Struggling with weak, brittle or slow-growing nails can be concerning, especially for women. Having weak and unhealthy nails as a woman can be as a result of many factors, such as environmental factors, hormonal imbalance, lifestyle habits, health conditions and nutritional deficiency.

Amongst the factors contributing to weak and brittle nails, the most common cause is being deficient in a particular nutrient or more than one. Our nails are made of keratin, a protein that requires essential nutrients to remain strong and healthy. Although nail care products can help externally, it all begins with what you eat. You can maintain healthy and strong nails by incorporating the best foods for nail health into your diet.

Why Do Nails Become Weak?

In addition to being nutrient deficient, there are several other reasons why your nails are so weak and, split easily, and take so long to grow back.

1. Nutritional Deficiencies

Biotin, zinc, iron, omega-3s, protein, and other vitamins are essential for healthy nails and quick growth. When you are deficient in any of these nutrients, it will take a toll on your nails, for instance; 

  • Biotin deficiency causes the nails to become weak and brittle, causing them to split easily.
  • Iron deficiency makes the nail thin, brittle, and spoon-shaped, a condition known as koilonychia.
  • Zinc deficiency manifests as white spots or nails on the nails, a condition known as leukonychia, an indication of unhealthy nails.

2. Lifestyle Factors

 Habitual nail biting, frequent exposure to water, harsh chemicals, nail polish remover, and ultraviolet radiation from frequent manicure and pedicure sessions can make the nails weak, causing them to split and break easily.

3. Health Conditions

 An underlying health condition such as anaemia, eczema, psoriasis and thyroid disorders (hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism) may be the reason your nails grow slowly and split easily.

4. Aging

For many reasons, aging contributes to weak and brittle nails. As we age, the body produces less keratin necessary for strong and healthy nails, making them weak. Another reason is that the nails become less hydrated while we age, and hydration is needed for maintaining healthy nails.

How Can Diet Improve Nail Strength

With the proper diet for healthy nails, the nails will obtain the essential vitamins and nutrients needed for growth. These foods work in the following ways:

  • Protein-rich diet: Keratin is naturally present in our nails. But sometimes, due to some reasons, like aging, keratin produced by the body becomes too little to keep the nails strong. But with the help of protein-rich foods, like eggs, keratin gets the building block needed for its production.
  • Biotin-rich diet: Biotin (vitamin B7)
  • Zinc-rich diet: Being deficient in zinc can affect the nails in several ways. It can cause white spots or lines to appear on the nails, and it can also make the nails brittle and cause them to grow slowly. Foods rich in zinc, such as lentils, will prevent all these, keeping the nails strong and healthy. 
  • Iron-rich diet: The nails need good blood flow to grow as quickly as possible. Foods rich in iron, like spinach, facilitate the transport of blood-rich oxygen to the nail beds, enhancing healthier and fast-growing nails. 
  • Foods rich in Vitamins A, C and E: Foods rich in these vitamins act as powerful antioxidants, boost collagen production, and thus protect the nails from damage by oxidative stress, which can make the nails weak and brittle.

Key Nutrients for Strong Nails

Here are the key nutrients for nail strength that you can obtain from a diet for healthy nails:

Key NutrientsRole in Nail Health
Biotin (vitamin B7)It strengthens nails and prevents brittleness
ProteinIt forms a building block for keratin, the main structural component of the nails
IronIt boosts blood circulation to the nails, preventing brittleness caused by anemia
ZincIt supports cell growth and repair for stronger nails
Omega-3 fatty acidsIt keeps the nails hydrated and safe from splitting
Vitamin AStrengthens and prevents nail dryness
Vitamin CIt is an antioxidant and promotes collagen production for healthy nails
Vitamin EIt protects the nails from free radicals

7 Best Foods to Strengthen Nails

Here are 7 top foods for nail strength, with each food packed with one or more essential nutrients needed for strong and healthy nails. 

1. Eggs

As commonly known, eggs are a great source of protein, but besides that, they are also a great source of vitamin D, iron, and biotin (vitamin B7). These three essential nutrients are needed to maintain the nail strength and keep them healthy.

Nutritional benefits per large egg (50g):

  • Biotin: 10 micrograms (33% daily value)
  • Protein: 6 grams (12% daily value)
  • Vitamin D: 41 IU (5% daily value) 

How to incorporate eggs into your diet:

  • You can scramble eggs for breakfast.
  • Eat your boiled eggs whole, or add them to your salads and sandwiches.
  • You can add them to your homemade protein smoothies.

2. Salmon

Salmon, an edible fish, contains high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids, which are used to keep the nails hydrated. It is also rich in protein, vitamin D and zinc, all of which are needed for healthy nails. 

Nutritional benefits per 100g cooked salmon:

  • Omega-3s: 2.2 grams
  • Protein: 25 grams (50% daily value)
  • Vitamin D: 570 IU (71% daily value)
  • Zinc: 0.6 grams (5% daily value)

How to incorporate salmon into your diet:

  • You can grill salmon for a protein-rich meal.
  • You can add salmon to your salads or sandwiches.
  • You can make your soups or stews with salmon.

3. Spinach

Spinach is rich in iron, folate and other vitamins. Spinach is particularly important for nail health, as it contains high amounts of iron and folate, promoting skin circulation and preventing brittle nails. 

Nutritional benefits per 100g Raw Spinach:

  • Iron: 2.7 micrograms (15% daily value)
  • Folate: 194 micrograms (49% daily value)
  • Magnesium: 79 micrograms (20% daily value)
  • Vitamin C: 28 micrograms (31% daily value)

How to incorporate spinach into your diet:

  • You can add it to your soups and stews.
  • You can blend spinach into your smoothies.
  • You can add it to your salads, omelettes or stir-fries.
  • You can eat raw or steamed spinach.

4. Almonds

Almonds contain biotin, vitamin E and magnesium. These three nutrients are essential for nail hydration, antioxidant protection and prevention of brittle nails. You can keep your nail health in check by incorporating almonds into your diet. 

Nutritional benefits per 28g of almonds:

  • Biotin: 1.5 micrograms (5% daily value)
  • Vitamin E: 7.3 micrograms (49% daily value)
  • Magnesium: 76 micrograms (19% daily value)

How to incorporate almonds into your diet:

  • You can snack on raw or roasted almonds.
  • Add them to your smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt, and parfait.
  • Blend almonds into butter.
  • Drink almond milk.

5. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are a powerful antioxidant that contains vitamins A and C, protecting the nails from free radicals caused by environmental factors. It also boosts collagen production for nail strength, as it contains vitamin C. 

Nutritional benefits per 100g cooked sweet potatoes:

  • Vitamin A: 5,765 micrograms (384 % daily value)
  • Vitamin C: 2.4 micrograms (3 % daily value)

How to incorporate sweet potatoes into your diet:

  • You can boil, bake, grill or fry them.
  • You can also make mashed potatoes with sweet potatoes.

6. Beans

Beans comprise seeds that belong to the legume family. There are different kinds of beans, but they all have in common that they are high in protein, zinc, iron, and biotin, which are needed for healthy and strong nails. 

Nutritional benefits per 100g of cooked beans:

  • Protein: 9 grams (18% daily value)
  • Zinc: 1.3 micrograms (12% daily value)
  • Iron: 3.3 micrograms (18% daily value)

NB: These values may vary depending on the type of beans.

How to incorporate beans into your diet:

  • Make porridge out of beans.
  • You can add them to your salads.
  • You can make puddings from beans.

7. Greek Yogurt

Greek yogurt is an excellent choice if you are looking for protein, calcium and probiotics. Protein and calcium help strengthen the nails, while probiotics play a role in nail health, as they improve the gut health for better absorption of nail-strengthening nutrients. 

Nutritional benefits per 100g of Greek yogurt:

  • Protein: 10 grams (20% daily value)
  • Calcium: 110 micrograms (11% daily value)
  • Probiotics: For nutrient absorption. 

Tips for Incorporating Nail-Strengthening Foods into Your Diet

To get the maximum benefits of a nail-strengthening diet, incorporate these easy tips:

  1. Ensure your meal is balanced with proteins, vegetables and healthy fats.
  2. Snack healthily by replacing processed snacks with almonds, sunflower seeds, and eggs.
  3. Diversify your proteins by having a combination of plant-based proteins (beans) and animal-based proteins (eggs, salmon) from time to time. 
  4. Drink plenty of water to keep the nails hydrated and free from splitting. 

Frequently Asked Questions

A proper diet for healthy nails improves nail strength, as they contain biotin, protein, iron, zinc and other essential vitamins that help strengthen nails, prevent brittleness, and improve nail resilience.

Yes, avoid excessive intake of sugary foods, processed foods, alcohol, and caffeine as they not only lack the essential nutrients needed for nail strength, but deplete available nutrients, and may also dehydrate the nails, causing brittle nails.

Healthy nails and growth can be gradual, so it takes about 3-6 months before you begin to see visible changes. Being consistent and practicing other nail care tips can hasten the process.

Final Thoughts for You

Achieving strong and healthy nails does not always require extensive treatment, and you can start first by incorporating foods rich in nail-strengthening nutrients into your diet for healthier and stronger nails.

  1. Myers, M. and Ruxton, C.H.S. (2023). Eggs: healthy or risky? A review of evidence from high quality studies on hen’s eggs. Nutrients.
  2. Rathod, D.G. and Sonthalia, S. (2025). Spoon nails.
  3. Curtis, L. (2023). What Causes Brittle Nails and How To Strengthen Them.
  4. Lorizzo, M., Starace, M. and Pasch, M.C. (2022). Leukonychia: what can white nails tell us? American. Journal of Clinical Dermatology.
  5. Natural Nail Care Tips for Healthy Nails. (n.d.). Cortiva Institute.
margaret etudo

medically reviewed by margaret etudo, BPharm. written by the vitamins for woman team.

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